IDR 8,500K per person
Labuan Bajo
Min. 1 Org
2 Reviews
5 out of 5


Keberangkatan setiap minggu
Provided by Liburan Murah Tours
  • Informasi
  • Itinerary
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  • Reviews
Go on a land and sea adventure with a stay on a phinisi boat on the full expanse of Labuan Bajo's underwater beauty.

What's included

Departure Location
Bandara Soekarno Hatta
Return Location
Bandara Soekarno Hatta
Price includes
  • Mineral water
  • Snorkeling equipment
  • Boat Cabin AC Phinisi (2 Nights)
  • Photo documentation
  • Kopi susu dan teh
  • Eat according to the program
  • First aid kit and medicines
  • Snack sesuai program
  • Tourist entrance ticket
  • PP airfare
  • Tour guide
  • Tour leader
  • Transportation
Price does not include
  • Travel insurance
  • Personal expenses (porter, telephone, laundry, mini bar, room service)
  • Ranger pulau komodo
  • Tipping
Open Trip: Orders and payments can be made immediately.
Additional Prices
Changes or additions to the itinerary: optional.
Tour Information: 
  1. Package price tour This is for Open Trip at least 1 (one) participant. 
  2. Pembelian, pemesanan & pelunasan minimal 16 (enam belas) hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.
  3. Keberangkatan setiap minggu di hari Jumat – Minggu, peserta disarankan sudah sampai di Labuan Bajo hari Kamis.
  4. Harga paket dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu mengikuti perubahan harga tiket pesawat.
  5. Pengaturan kamar akan mempertimbangkan jenis kelamin dan hubungan keluarga.
  6. What participants must bring: sun blockjacket, raincoat, change of clothes, sufficient cash.
  7. Ibu hamil tidak diperkenankan mengambil paket ini.
  8. Khusus Group Tour must make full payment after the agreement process. 
More Information:
  1. Jika peserta tidak tepat waktu dalam keberangkatan, maka kelebihan harga tiket pesawat dibebankan kepada peserta
  2. If the participant is not on time for departure, then tour leader / tour guide will adjust to be able to run according to the program. If this is not possible, then some programs will be adjusted according to the time available and participants will not be able to do the program. refund.
  3. Peserta wajib memberikan informasi detail tentang nama lengkap, kontak yang bisa dihubungi, dan informasi lainnya yang diperlukan.
  4. Make sure the participants are fit & healthy. 
  5. Participants must adhere to the rules of the road and always follow the instructions from tour guide / tour leader.
  6. Tour leader has the right to ask participants to leave the group (group) if the participant causes a riot / disturbance to the group or is considered to be detrimental to other parties. In this case, the participant must organize his/her own onward journey, and cannot do refund. for unused or underutilized services.
  7. Cancelation and refund follow the terms and conditions of the service provider informed on the order note and itinerary
  8. Itinerary Subject to change based on conditions and discussion with participants.
  9. For more information on other requests (optional), please contact our customer service.

Booking this tour package refers to Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy.

Provided by:

  • Jakarta - Labuan Bajo
  • Labuan Bajo
  • Labuan Bajo - Jakarta
Jakarta - Labuan Bajo

Day 1

Bandara Soekarno Hatta - Bandara Internasional Komodo - Pelabuhan - Pulau Kanawa - Makan Siang - Gili Lawa - Trekking Gili Lawa - Sunset di Puncak Gili Lawa - Kapal Phinisi - Makan Malam.

Labuan Bajo

Day 2

Sarapan - Manta Point - Snorkeling with Manta - Pulau Padar - Trekking Pulau Padar - Kapal Phinisi - Makan Siang - Pink Beach - Snorkeling Pink Beach - Manta Point Taka Makassar - Hunting Manta - Taka Makassar - Pulau Kalong - Sunset Pulau Kalong - Makan Malam


Labuan Bajo - Jakarta

Day 3

Sarapan - Sunrise - Pulau Komodo - Trekking Pulau Komodo - Foto bersama Komodo - Makan Siang - Pulau Kelor - Trekking Pulau Kelor - Labuan Bajo - Komodo International Airport - Bandara Soekarno Hatta.

More about Labuan Bajo

Go on a land and sea adventure with a stay on a phinisi boat on the full expanse of Labuan Bajo's underwater beauty.

User Reviews & Comments

  • Irfan
    5 out of 5

    Beneran! Puas banget jalan ke Bajo pake

    July 26, 2022


  • Irfan
    5 out of 5

    Benerannn !! Puas banget jalan ke Bajo pake

    July 26, 2022


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Bajo Live on Board

IDR 8,500K per person
Labuan Bajo
Min. 1 Org

    Fill out the form to book the Tour. Required fields are marked *

