
The city has various nicknames, one of which is Atlas City, which stands for Safe, Orderly, Smooth, Beautiful and Healthy, which is the slogan for maintaining the beauty of the city.

The city has various nicknames, one of which is the Atlas City, which stands for Safe, Orderly, Smooth, Beautiful and Healthy which is the slogan for maintaining the beauty of the city. The area offers a myriad of tourist attractions, ranging from history to charming nature.

"Semarang is not just a city, it's a story and history."


Semarang has many interesting tourist attractions to choose from. The city offers a variety of different types of tourism with their own charms, such as nature tourism, historical tourism, religious tourism, family tourism, night tourism, culinary tourism and shopping centers. Some well-known tourist destinations include Lawang Sewu, Saloka Theme Park, Sam Poo Kong Temple, Old Town Semarang, Avalokitesvara Pagoda, Rainbow Village, Ranggawarsita Museum, Brown Canyon Semarang, Dusun Semilir Eco Park, Marina Beach, Indonesian World Record Museum, Ambarawa Railway Museum and Semarang Wildlife Park.

Semarang has enormous tourism potential. This city in the northern part of Java has beaches to highlands. It's no wonder that there are so many tourist attractions in Semarang. Like Jakarta, Semarang was also a bustling port city during the colonial era. That's why both have an Old Town area. This area has been present and developed since the 17th century. Currently, Kota Tua is a tourist destination with various attractions.

Culinary Heritage  

The culinary or food that is most synonymous with Semarang is Lumpia. What distinguishes Semarang spring rolls from other spring rolls in general is the filling. Although synonymous with spring rolls, there are still many other interesting and appetizing culinary specialties of Semarang. There are Tahu Gimbal, Garang Asem Ayam, Soto Bangkong, Babat Gongso, Pisang Plenet, Roti Ganjal Rel, Nasi Pindang, Wingko Babat, Bandeng Presto, Gandos, Mi Kopyok, and many more.


Semarang can be reached by land, sea and air. Semarang is traversed by the Pantura route that connects Jakarta with cities on the north coast of Java Island. The Semarang-Solo Toll Road has been fully operational since 2018, and the Semarang-Batang Toll Road has been in operation since 2018 to connect Semarang with cities in the western part of Central Java, West Java, and Jakarta.

Semarang has an important role in Indonesia's railroad history. This is where the first milestone of Dutch East Indies railroad construction began, with the construction of a railroad starting from Kemijen village to Tanggung village.

Air transportation is served at Ahmad Yani Airport, connecting Semarang with a number of major Indonesian cities every day. Since 2008 Ahmad Yani Airport has become an international airport with direct flights abroad, for example to Singapore and Kualalumpur.

Determine the destination according to your travel options.

373.8 km2
1.65 million.
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