Privacy Policy

Berangkat Digital Nusantara as the operator and owner of the website, adheres to the privacy policy listed here. Please read our privacy policy before using this site or submitting your personal information on this site. By using this site, you have understood and agreed to accept all policies and activities described in our privacy policy without exception. Policies or activities that apply may change with prior notice through this site. And changes only apply to future activities and information, not those that have already occurred. This privacy policy only applies to the site, if you enter another site we recommend that you read the privacy policy that is different on each site first.

Information gathering collects the following personal data: your name, address, email address, phone or whatsapp number. This information is needed to process, create and complete your booking and purchase. may also process data about your computer device, such as IP address, type of Browser, and (for users accessing our services via mobile) Unique Device Identifier, operating system, app version, and latitude/longitude of your location. This data is usually anonymous, but it is still considered personal data, either individually or in combination.

Sharing Personal data may share your personal data with third parties that we employ and cooperate with to perform services on our behalf, such as the services of web hostingWe may use third parties to process personal data, analyze data, to market our products and services, to handle bank transactions or to provide customer service to you. All such third parties have an obligation to keep personal data secure and confidential, and to process personal data only in accordance with our instructions.

In some cases, will ask you to make transactions directly with third parties to obtain services, or when you use the site to order tour packages, packages, and other services. outboundIf you purchase a car rental package or other travel products or services, we will provide your personal data to the agent. travel, Outbound Consultant, Rent Car or travel product sellers (as applicable) that we have partnered with. may disclose personal data to protect ourselves against prosecution, to respond to witness summons, judicial proceedings, lawful requests from law enforcement officials, or as necessary to comply with applicable laws. We may also disclose personal data to enforce or apply Terms and Conditions applicable to our products and services.

Personal Data Security and Protection

In accordance with Indonesia's data protection laws, implements strict security procedures to prevent misuse of personal data and unauthorized access.

In order to protect and secure the personal data you have provided, we have implemented and use appropriate business systems and procedures. In addition, we have also implemented and use procedures and technical and physical restrictions on who can access and use our customers' personal data. Only authorized employees can access your personal data and this is solely to perform their duties in providing our services.

Personal Data Control

You always have the right to review your personal data stored in our system. You can request to see your personal data by sending us an email at: or contacting our WhatsApp at 0878-2330-3840.


Users of this site are expected to create a membership account by registering and providing certain data. In registering and providing certain data, you warrant that:

  1. Registered users are at least 18 years old.
  2. The information about yourself is true and accurate, current and complete as required in the registration form on the website.
  3. You will update this registration data so that it is always correct, precise and complete. shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be suffered, where such loss or damage is caused by inaccurate or incomplete information provided by you. After registering, you will receive a password and user identity (username). You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and user identity (username). You are solely responsible for all activities related to your password or user identity (username). You can only use one user identity (username) and password (password) at one time and not allowed to use more than one. username. You are required to use password for your own use only, and do not allow anyone else to use your password. You agree to immediately notify of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any breach of security and ensure that you log out of your account each time you finish using this site. will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these rules.

About "Cookies"

For faster and services, we use 'Cookie' technology on this site. Cookies are minimal-sized codes that are usually stored on your computer's hard drive, which are useful for remembering all kinds of site information that you have visited. Cookies can store a variety of information, for example IP addresses, navigation data, information server, data transfer time, email address and password which is used when visiting the site. If you do not enable Cookies, you will not be able to access important functions and features on this site. The cookies used will be linked to your personal data.

Contact is a limited liability company, established under the laws of Indonesia and is located at Baranangsiang Indah block G VI Jl. Jatiluhur IX no 11 Katulampa Bogor Indonesia. If you have any suggestions or questions regarding this privacy policy, please send us an email at: or contact our whatsapp at 0877-12000-109.

Policy Changes

We reserve the right at any time to change how we use cookies and how we collect, pass on and process your personal data and any other similar information we consider important. This policy may therefore be amended from time to time to reflect any recent changes.
